How Two-Way Radios Help Bolster Hospitals Communications Systems
Hospital communication systems are absolutely essential for all healthcare organizations. After all, when it comes to caring for human lives, efficiency, timeliness, and safety are the keys to giving patients the best care possible. When it comes to communication in hospital settings, two-way radios are undoubtedly the best solution available. Read on to discover why.
Hospitals Communications Systems: Instant Communication
As smartphones become increasingly common, it’s easy to assume that they’re the logical choice for all types of communication. That’s a common misconception. The reality is that in practice, smartphones just aren’t as efficient as two-way radio systems.
Radio-based hospital communication systems ensure that voice and/or data is delivered in real-time with the push of a button. You never have to search for contacts or fumble with entering a phone number. Additionally, you can communicate with multiple parties at the same time, keeping everyone on the same page at all times.
Security and Safety
If you’re not familiar with the current state of the two-way radio industry, you may not realize what modern digital radios can do. Today’s radios offer far more functionality than the back-and-forth voice communication associated with “brick” analog radios.
DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) hospital communication systems allow you to also send text messages and other data. Many units also include features such as GPS and location mapping, helping staff members to collaborate more effectively.
It’s an unfortunate truth that hospital employees are much more susceptible to workplace violence compared to other industries. That’s why it’s so important to have security protocol in place. Many DMR radios include panic alarms so personnel can notify other employees if an emergency situation occurs.
Two-way radios can do so much more than just facilitate communication in hospital settings. They’re powerful safety tools that help hospital team members to look out for each other and deal with crises immediately. Outdated phone-based hospital communication systems simply can’t offer that extra level of protection.
On-the-Road Communication
It’s common for ambulances to be equipped with mobile radios. When hospital staff also has access to those same channels, they’re able to prepare for incoming patients much more effectively. Using EMS radios, EMTs can keep hospital staff apprised of the situation, ensuring that proper care can be given the second the patient arrives.
Dependable Backup Communication
Sometimes cellular networks and WiFi falter. You never want to have to rely on equipment that may not work properly when time is of the essence. Hospital communication systems should have multiple layers of backup options ready to go so that even a power failure won’t stand in the way of helping patients in need.
Many DMR radios are also able to connect with IP and cellular networks, allowing them to communicate with computers and smartphones. This across-the-board integration isn’t just convenient — it can also make all of the difference in the world during unforeseen outages and other emergency situations.
Loud and Clear
Smartphones and landlines just don’t offer the same level as performance as two-way radio systems. Radios offer significantly more wattage and more powerful speakers, ensuring that every transmission delivered over radio-based hospital communication systems is heard, even during loud, hectic situations.
Additionally, when it comes to communication in hospital facilities, sometimes smartphones are just inconvenient. Two-way radios are compatible with a wide variety of two-way radio accessories such as hands-free speaker microphones and earpieces, making it possible for workers to continue communicating while performing their duties.
Two-way radios can also be connected to wireless PA systems. During an emergency situation, you may need to address large groups of people at once. Wireless PA systems let you accomplish that from anywhere using your handheld two-way radio. PA systems are also convenient for non-emergency situations, such as delivering a quick motivational speech at the beginning of the workday.
Patient Assurance
Hospital communication systems instill a sense of confidence in your patients and visitors. When someone is in your facility, they want to know that they’re safe. After all, hospitals can be volatile at times, and it’s crucial that you offer protection.
Two-way radios improve security by facilitating real-time communication among security personnel and hospital staff, but that’s not all. Simply seeing that your team is equipped with two-way radios gives patients and visitors a sense of safety, knowing that your team is prepared for anything.
Having proper security equipment in place also effectively deters criminal acts. When potentially dangerous people see that there are hospital communication systems in place and ready to go, they’re much less likely to cause problems.
Choosing the Right Radio Equipment
Setting up the best possible communication in hospital facilities can be a confusing, daunting task if you’re not already familiar with the industry. After all, there are many different types of radios, as well as various brands and models that offer a wide range of technical specifications.
We know radios so you don’t have to. If you need assistance selecting radios or building a comprehensive communications system from the ground up, our highly qualified experts are ready and able to help. We’ve been in business since 1997, and we only hire knowledgeable industry vets who are happy to help you make an informed purchase.
Quality Radio Equipment for Less
Reliable hospital communication systems don’t need to break the bank. Here at Discount Two-Way Radio, we offer cutting-edge radios from trusted manufacturers at prices that fit your organization’s budgetary requirements. Just let us know you’re price range, and we’ll be happy to recommend top-of-the-line radios and accessories that meet your needs.
Contact Us to Learn More
As you can see, two-way radio equipment can improve security while also increasing your turnaround rates and overall efficiency. They help you deliver better care while also making your team’s work experience more pleasant. For help with hospital communication systems, please call us at 800-895-5122 or contact us online. Save on durable, reliable radios at Discount Two-Way Radio.
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