The Best 2-Way Radios for Water Treatment Facilities
As the weather heats up, it’s important to recognize just how much we appreciate water treatment facilities — and how much they depend on two-way radios to get the job done right. Models like these are essential for maintaining daily operations, from plant performance and fire safety down to on-site security and custodial work. So why is RCA considered the vendor of choice for so many water treatment companies? Let me count the ways…
1. Coverage
Workers need radios that can connect across the farthest distances within any plant. That means battling steel, concrete, and even glass in order to get through. The answer? Handheld two-way radios and powerful, compact base stations that operate on ultra-high frequency (UHF), with at least 4 watts of power.
2. Durability
It’s a no-brainer that the best two-way radios for water treatment facilities are intrinsically safe (protected from heat and sparks) and waterproof — otherwise, what’s the point? There’s too much potential for damage and injury otherwise. RCA professional two-way radios offer both thanks to their rugged, military-grade design that also protects them from other features like shock, dust, vibration, and extreme temperatures.
3. Emergency Alerts
We’ve talked before about how important it is to have emergency alert features on your radios, and water treatment facilities are no exception. If a member of your team needs to send an immediate warning, a general alert is easy to use with the simple press of an orange button. And for times when workers may fall or become injured, Man Down and Lone Worker can ensure that backup isn’t far behind. This is especially true when you activate GPS location tracking so that managers and directors know where everyone is at all times.
4. Cost
You’ve probably heard before that you shouldn’t buy something simply because it’s the cheapest. But sometimes the most affordable option is also the best quality, and that’s the case when it comes to RCA two-way radios. They’re at least 30 percent less than any of our competitors. They offer the same (or better) durability, coverage, and performance. And they come with the best battery life on the market, giving your workers over 12 hours of juice on a single charge.
Which Specific RCA Radios Are Ideal For Water Treatment?
We’d have to say that the RDR4200 series has the best options for water treatment facilities. They meet the intrinsically safe features above, are able to be preprogrammed with the necessary alerts, and cost less than any competing brands. You can read more about the different models in the 4200 series by clicking here.
For those workers who operate from a desk rather than on the go, RCA’s RDR2750 5-watt compact base station is also an excellent addition to any water treatment facility’s radio fleet. It offers the same coverage as a handheld unit, but costs half the price as a traditional base station.
RCA Two-Way Radio Availability
The supply chain has definitely seen its highs and lows over the past few months, but that hasn’t stopped RCA from maintaining a steady stream of two-way radio inventory. We’ve got units in stock that can ship as soon as they’re purchased — and that includes those mentioned above!
Whether you operate in water treatment, or you’re simply in the market for some of the most durable radios around, RCA is your answer. Don’t hesitate to get in touch to receive an instant quote and go over any questions you may have. Our award-winning customer support team is here to help you find the radios you need! When you’re ready, give us a call at 888.299.6340.
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